Spine Procedures

  • DiscogramsSpine

    A discogram is a test sometimes used in patients with long standing back or neck pain to identify which disc is the cause of your pain and to help plan possible surgery.

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  • Electromyography (EMG) /Nerve Conductions Studies (Electrodiagnostic Medicine)Spine

    Electromyography (EMG) involves a very thin needle or wire electrode that is placed into your muscle.

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  • Cervical Epidural Cortisone InjectionsSpine

    Cortisone (a type of steroid) is a very powerful anti-inflammatory medication. When administered by injection, the cortisone is maximally concentrated at the site of inflammation and higher doses are possible with improved effectiveness.

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  • Lumbar Epidural Cortisone InjectionsSpine

    An epidural injection places the cortisone in the space around the spinal nerves (epidural space). Once injected, the cortisone is slowly released into the surrounding tissues and decreases inflammation, swelling, and pain.

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  • Facet Joint or Nerve InjectionsFacet Joint

    A facet joint or nerve injection places the cortisone into one of the joints in the spine or next to the nerve supplying the joint.

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  • Radiofrequency NeurotomySpine

    Radiofrequency Neurotomy is a technique for applying heat very precisely to the region of a specific nerve while avoiding heat injury to other nerves and structures in the area. This effectively denervates, or numbs, the structure served by the nerve.

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  • VertebroplastyVertebroplasty

    Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure which is performed to reduce or eliminate pain caused by vertebral compression fractures.

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  • Spinal Cord StimulationSpine

    A spinal cord stimulator is a device that sends electrical impulses to the areas of the spinal cord causing pain and interferes with the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

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    Mild® is an early treatment option to consider when conservative therapies (e.g., physical therapy, pain medication, chiropractic) are not providing adequate relief.

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